Farm Store 2.0 & New Website
What is Farm Store 2.0?
The farm store has evolved. In 2023 we transitioned our farm store, with regular hours, to an one-on-one experience that we call Shop the Cooler. With the help of our floral design team, you can view our available in season-blooms and create a bespoke bouquet or simply select your own bunches of flowers. You can schedule an appointment with us to Shop the Cooler.
Too busy to shop the cooler, consider signing up for a weekly Flower Subscription. Get details here.
For us farmers, winter is a time for finishing projects that we didn’t quite get to during the busy season and dreaming about the upcoming season. It’s also a time to make sure that our marketing and website reflects who we are now and the direction we are moving towards. With that in mind, we began the process of updating our website. Anderson Acres Farm We combed through our photos gallery and selected pictures that highlight the farmers who work our beautiful land, the flowers we’ve grown and the events that we’ve recently provided flowers for.
Looking back through our photos we’ve witnessed our farmers' joy and growth both physically and spiritually; reflected on our accomplishments and the happiness we’ve brought to our customers.
Farming is a daunting, challenging, always changing, topsy-turvy endeavor, not for the weak willed or faint of heart. Every season is a fresh start, an opportunity to be enthralled with the magic of coaxing a seed into a plant; a plant to bud; a bud to grow into a flower; and for our designers to create exquisite and joyful arrangements for our customers. We are fortunate and grateful to have customers who appreciate our hard work. To stay in the loop please consider subscribing to our newsletter.